Tom Lee-Gough

Bru(tal) (Ecommer)ce

I like to write web apps in Flask. Mostly for my own benefit, as a way of understanding how things might work together. I currently work for an ecommerce company that use both Shopify and Visualsoft. No-one really likes either of them, and having surveyed the options, I think that all web stores are not very good.

I think that the main problem is that none of them seem very performant. My view is that performance is super important for an ecommerce site. If you lose your customers because of a poorly performing site, they are likely not to return. Many ecommerce sites load huge amounts of javascript and tracking - I think that the performance costs far outweigh the benefits.

So, I deceided to write my own brutal ecommerce web store. There is no CSS or Javascript. It just serves html. I think that whilst this might be pretty performant, I suspect that anyone actually trying to put this into production would probably find it difficult to find customers willing to trust them.

At any rate, you can find Bruce at I will not promise it works as expected, and there are definitely bugs. I suspect that this will languish on my incomplete projects pile.


Customer Product View

Customer Product View

Detailed Product View

Detailed Product View



Admin - Orders

Admin Order List

Admin - Products

Admin Product list